N - Enabling effective attendance and participation of Members in future sessions of the World Conservation Congress
N - Enabling effective attendance and participation of Members in future sessions of the World Conservation Congress
RECALLING that IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (also known as International Union for Conservation of Nature), is an international association of governmental, non-governmental Members and indigenous peoples organisations;
FURTHER RECALLING that the World Conservation Congress is the highest organ of IUCN;
REAFFIRMING that the rights of Members to participate in the World Conservation Congress and to vote in sessions of the World Conservation Congress or by mail ballot as stated in the Statutes are sacrosanct, and are the cornerstone of the governance of the Union;
RECALLING that the IUCN World Congress Rules of Procedure give the possibility to all members to vote on motions in person or by proxy, as stated in Rule 66(d);
RECOGNISING the critical importance of facilitating the active and safe participation of Member organisations at the IUCN World Conservation Congress;
RECALLING Article 21 (a) of the IUCN Statutes;
MINDFUL that in the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, the unequal access to vaccination created unacceptable inequalities in Members’ participation;
CONCERNED that a large number of IUCN Member organisations were unable, or not permitted due to the health situation, to participate in person at the current session of the World Conservation Congress;
FURTHER CONCERNED that IUCN Council rejected the various requests by a large number of IUCN Members to vote online on motions and decisions during the World Conservation Congress and that voting by proxy was the only option available to Members that could not attend the Congress, when many Members might also have been limited in their choice of proxy holder as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic;
AWARE of the advances in virtual conferencing technologies which provide new opportunities for effective remote participation of Members and in particular online voting; and
MINDFUL that future congresses are more likely to have both virtual and in-person attendance, with corresponding relevant impact on carbon foot print;
1. CALLS ON the Director General, the President and the Council to ensure that more emphasis is put on implementation of Article 21 (a) in the organisation of the future sessions of the World Conservation Congress;
2. REQUESTS the Council to ensure that the financial support of Member organisations for the next session of the World Conservation Congress (2024/2025) is not conditioned by their vote in the current session of the Congress;
3. URGES the Director General to make all necessary efforts to raise funds to support the participation of Members that would not otherwise be able to attend the Congress and exercise their voting rights;
4. REQUESTS the Council to prepare draft revisions to the IUCN Statutes and formulate proposals to be presented to Members with a view to enhancing the remote participation of Members and the use of online votes during Congress, and to ensure that IUCN is more agile in its response to extraordinary circumstances;
5. ESTABLISHES an “Advisory Group for the Revision of the Statutes” (hereinafter, “Advisory Group”), comprising a maximum of eight members to work with Council in this task;
6. DIRECTS the Council to call for nominations to the Advisory Group in the three months following the close of the World Conservation Congress;
7. REQUESTS the Council, following receipt of nominations, to determine the composition of the Advisory Group taking into consideration experience with the modalities of IUCN, relevant knowledge, geographical representation and diversity, gender and generational balance;
8. FURTHER REQUESTS the Council to announce the composition of the Advisory Group within no more than three months after the receipt of nominations;
9. CHARGES the Council to communicate proposals for revisions of the Statutes to Members, organise an online discussion and revise the proposals as per the result of these discussions; and
10. REQUIRES that each individual proposal be voted on by electronic ballot with the aim of ensuring that the suggested changes are applicable in time to be effective during the preparation of the next World Conservation Congress.