Candidate info
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Experience in fields of concern to IUCN:A breadth of experience in nature conservation: Mr. Hoshino started his career in national park administration authority in Oze area, Japan’s largest high moor. At MOEJ, he was involved in managing a wide range of policies and projects linked to endangered species conservation, alien species control, biodiversity conservation and wildlife management in Japan. Moreover, he has been actively involved in various international forums and programs associated with wetlands, migratory birds, endangered species, biodiversity, world natural heritage and national parks, providing guidance on the overall development and implementation of programmes for various conventions and forums. As a director of public policy, he strived for consensus building in the Asia-Pacific region and among the G8 on various summit declarations related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Extensive network in conservation arena: Throughout his long career in environmental public policy administration, including those for various international conventions and forums, Mr. Hoshino has emphasized frequent discussions with his counterparts, conservation NGOs and civil society members --- leading to an extensive network built over his career in the conservation arena. Notably, this networking skill culminated in the success of negotiating an agreement on several divisive issues at the CBD COP, while he served as the CBD Bureau Chair.
Acceptance of NominationManifesto