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Experience in fields of concern to IUCN:As formerly Forest Officer, now working in the field of environment, exposure to the field of conservation is key. Stocktaking and development of biodiversity within protected areas (PAs) can be enhanced through comprehensive annual and periodic reports, which will bring peculiarities in the ecology of the PAs. Environmental education and sensitisation are important, including the use of indigenous and/or local knowledge in conservation programmes, across various levels. Invasive (alien) species pose serious challenge to biodiversity conservation, calling for eradication or alternative use programmes for such species. Coastal and marine pollution is fuelled by deposits of waste materials into the sea through land-based activities, causing depletion of endangered marine species, especially the fauna population. Ecological habitats of many species have been destroyed due to municipal and toxic wastes. Deforestation is a major cause for the destruction of many forest ecosystems. Its drivers (poverty, hunger, lack of awareness, inadequate policies, and lack of law enforcement) pose global challenge to address. Land degradation as an outcome of deforestation is more severe in the dryland ecosystems. Adaptation strategies to Climate Change are options that help to entrench resilience most needed by the vulnerable groups, in particular women. The involvement of indigenous groups in conservation is adding the required effort needed to approach and address more remote areas.
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