Independent Consultant, Independent Consultant
I received a B.Sc. in biology, in 1988 and a M.Sc. in ecology, in 1993, both from McGill University of Montreal, Canada. As a researcher, I began studying nutrient cycling and the impacts of human activities on woodlands ecology in Tanzania. Between 1996 and 2000, I worked for the Tanzania Forest Research Institute before joining the Danish Embassy as a programme officer, where I supported a bilateral programme working on environment and natural resources management. In 2007, I became the director of a consultancy company, working for a range of clients including donor agencies and INGOs. Since 2010, I have worked as independent consultant, participating in assignments that assessed different aspects of Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM); Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT); Independent Forest Monitoring (IFM); and adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts.