Mr Bernard GIRAUD
President & Co-Founder, Livelihoods Funds
Former Vice President of Sustainability & Shared Value Creation in Danone, Bernard has played a pivotal role in integrating social responsibility as part of the company’s core strategy. As of 2008, Bernard helped lead Danone’s initial carbon offsetting experimentations and launched large-scale mangrove restoration projects in Africa & Asia. Following the projects' success, Bernard co-founded with Jean Pierre Rennaud the Livelihoods Funds in 2011, which became independent. Veteran advocate of sustainable development, he is playing a strategic and visionary role in the structuring of Livelihoods dual approach for climate action and sustainable sourcing. He is the author of The Hands Restoring the Earth book which tells the story of Livelihoods projects around the world (Ces Mains qui Réparent la Terre).