Home » Candidates » Keping MA for position: Regional Councillor – South and East Asia

Candidate info

Particular qualifications to be a Regional Councillor:
The nominee was a Councillor between 2007 and 2012. He contributed his knowledge and experiences to the development of the Union by attending Council meetings and associated activities. As the Chair for the Asia Regional Members Committee (ARMC) of IUCN, the nominee established the working model for ARMC. Since 2016, he organized annual meetings of ARMC every year and promoted communications among members and development of IUCN in Asia. He tried his best to raise the ownership of members, and engage members in implementation of IUCN programmes and related activities. He initiated the establishment of the Asia Biodiversity Conservation and Database Network. He also initiated the Mapping Asia Plants project in 2015. He is one of the Chinese scientists who initiated biodiversity research in China, and has been playing a critical role. He takes the lead to establish the Chinese Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Network, China Biodiversity Observation and Research Network, National Specimen Information Infrastructure, Chinese Virtual Herbarium and Catalogue of Life-China. He has been participating in evaluating and nominating many of China’s World Natural Heritage sites since 2000. As the Chair of the National Expert Assessment Group, he has been promoting the implementation of the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas in China. Since the first Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1994, he has been participating in the COPs, SUBSTTA meetings for a pretty number of times.

Link to qualifications details

Experience in fields of concern to IUCN:

The nominee was a Councillor from 2007 to 2012. He has good knowledge about IUCN and rich experiences in promoting the development of the Union. As the Chair for the Asia Regional Members Committee (ARMC) of IUCN since 2015, the nominee established the working model for ARMC. Since 2016, he organized the annual meetings of ARMC every year and raised funds to cover international travel and local accommodation for ARMC members to take part in the annual meetings. By collective efforts, ARMC promoted IUCN’s presence in Asia in collaboration with the IUCN Asia Regional Office and science commissions in Asia. He has been participating in evaluating and nominating many of China’s World Natural Heritage sites since 2000. As the Chair of the National Expert Assessment Group, he has been promoting the implementation of the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas in China. He is a distinguished expert in the field of biodiversity science and has published more than 400 academic papers, with 180 papers in international journals. More information about the nominee http://www.biodiv.ibcas.ac.cn/en/staff/makeping.html

Acceptance of NominationManifesto
