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The Beginning of Life 2: Outside

Why attend
The award-winning filmmakers who created The Beginning of Life with its worldwide audience of more than 8 million people now offer this stunningly beautiful, inspiring and compelling film that demonstrates the importance of access to nature for the health and well-being of children and youth, and for the conservation of the Earth itself.
Special guest presentation from #NFA Youth Oasis: The Beginning of Life 2: Outside is an inspiring story of why and how to connect children and families with nature in a world where millions of people live their daily lives, often separate from nature. With South American voices, the film artfully incorporates some of the world’s leading thinkers and scientific evidence to provide a solid basis for why connecting with nature is good for everyone. It touches our hearts with examples of actions we can take, where ever we are and tells the story of how nature transforms the lives of children into healthy, happy, thriving humans who will learn to love and care for the nature around them. The film was developed by Maria Farinha Films, sponsored by Boticario Group Foundation and Alana Institute, with collaboration from Crianca e Natureza Program, Children&Nature Network, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, #NatureForAll, and the UN Environment Programme.
  • IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
  • IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
  • #NatureForAll
  • Alana Institute
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