Senior Scientist, Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg (FVA)
Senior Scientist at FVA, Dept. of Societal Change. I lead FVA’s research for two EU funded projects: EuroLargeCarnivores [Improving coexistence with large carnivores in Europe through communication, cross-border cooperation and knowledge exchange] and InnoForESt [Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services]. My career includes Ass. Professorship at the Univ. of Freiburg, Inst. for Forest Policy, assignments at FAO and GIZ, Dept. Forestry, Forest Products and Nature Conservation. Expertise is based on studies at Thünen Institute, Univ. of Nat. Resources and Life Sciences, Austria, and Univ. of Hamburg. My MSc and PhD Theses analyzed the governance of agroforestry, wood and non-wood forest products and the role of wildlife for subsistence in rural areas in Liberia, West Africa, and Kalimantan, Indonesia.