Home » Programme » Speakers » Speaker Eriel DERANGER


Executive Director, Indigenous Climate Action

Eriel Tchekwie Deranger is a Dënesųłiné mother from the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN)  and the Executive Director and co-founder of Indigenous Climate Action (ICA),  an Indigenous-led climate justice organization in so-called Canada. Deranger is a member of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change, and sits on various boards including  Bioneers, It Takes Roots Leadership Council, Climate Justice Resiliency Fund Council of Advisors, the UK Tar Sands Network and WWF Canada; and was a founding member of the Global  Indigenous Youth Caucus. Deranger’s work focuses on Indigenous rights and building intersectional dialogue between Indigenous rights, climate justice and other social justice movements. She is recognized for her role as the spokespersons for her community (ACFN) in the international Indigenous Tar Sands Campaign and developing the Tar Sands Healing Walk. 

🗓️  3-11 SEPTEMBER 2021
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Date Time/Room Title Features Session type Themes
Tuesday 07 September 09:00 - 10:30
Virtual Channel 1
Pros and cons of Nature-Based carbon offsets for conservation financing
Thematic Stream Session
Climate change
Economic and financial systems
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