Home » Programme » Speakers » Speaker Oliver SCHELSKE


Director - Natural Assets and ESG Research Lead, Swiss Re Institute

Oliver Schelske is a funding Director of Swiss Re Institute, responsible for integrating ecosystem services into re/insurance. He co-headed Swiss Re's Risk Research Relations (2010-17) and Issue Mgmt. (2007-10). Prior, he was Senior Consultant & Head Environm. Mgmt at Ernst Basler Ltd., where he co-developed the Swiss urban& regional sustainability indicators. He regularly publishes on behalf of Swiss Re, eg. in 2020, a biodiversity & ecosystem services study which develops nature-contributions-to-people-driven conservation & macro-vulnerability views. The Swiss Government has appointed him for the scoping of the IPBES business & biodiversity report. Oliver studied economics in Germany/USA and holds a PhD on biodiversity economics from Zurich University, where he also did field work in mountain fens.  He is a passionate but lazy gardener.

🗓️  3-11 SEPTEMBER 2021
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Speaking at:

Date Time/Room Title Features Session type Themes
Tuesday 07 September 09:00 - 10:30
H8 - 5 Mer de Corail
How to mobilize the financial sector to integrate nature-related risks and invest in opportunities for biodiversity conservation?
Thematic Stream Session
Economic and financial systems
Knowledge, innovation and technology
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